Tag Archives: english language

What will happen when you reach your goals…??

cropped-ela-logo-v2_250.pngKeywords: Vision, fulfil, aspiration, according, construct. (Click here for google translate).


Do you have a clear vision of what your life will look like when you reach your goals?

What will your life look like when you are fulfilling your personal, career and family aspirations?

You are the only person responsible for fulfilling your aspirations. You have the power and the ability to shape your life experiences according to what you desire for yourself and those people important to you.

You can build a clearer vision with the following exercise about ‘If/Then statements’.

Starting with the goal statements that you developed from this previous exercise, you are going to construct sentences that describe your life as if these goals are already achieved.

For example, starting with a simple goal statement:

Example 1 – “My goal is to have a house in the country.”

You will change this sentence into an ‘If/Then’ sentence:

– “If I have a house in the country, then I will enjoy the peace and quiet everyday.”


– “If I have a house in the country, then I will grow vegetables in the garden.”

Example 2“My goal is to share quality time with my partner.”

As an If/Then sentence…

– “If I share quality time with my partner, then we will feel closer and more connected.”

Example 3“My goal is to earn at least £____ per year.”

As an If/Then sentence…

– “If I earn at least £____ per year, then I will be able to retire in # years time.”


Try this exercise now with your goals and leave a comment below, telling us one of your If/Then statements.

Keeping you posted…

Khalil S. Patwa


English Learning Accelerated

How to accelerate your English comprehension…

cropped-ela-logo-v2_250.pngKeywords: master, consciously, process, principles, relevant, focused, purpose, increase, significant, accelerate, tip. (Click here for google translate).

Key-phrases: speed up,  search terms, grab your attention,


Learning a language is simple and you are already a master language learner… You learnt you mother tongue in only a few years!!

Now that you are consciously learning English, you can speed up the process and become an advanced speaker in less than a year.

You can do this by using the same principles that you used as a child. The first of these is to listen, listen and listen some more!

The most effective starting point is to regularly listen to language that is relevant to you.

– First, be clear on the reason you are learning English. You can do this short exercise to help you get focused.

– Next, you’re going to use youtube to find videos in English that are related to your purpose. Type in a keyword and add one of the following search-terms:

‘How to’


‘Made simple’

‘For beginners’

For example, if you are a software engineer you can search for:

“Programming basics”

“Computer language for beginners”

“Software creation made simple”

With these search terms you’ll get a range of videos that use the essential language you need, in a way that will make it easy for you to understand in English.

Choose a video that grabs your attention and make sure it’s not more than twenty minutes long. You can watch the same video every day, or choose a different one.

After just one week you’ll be surprised how much you can understand.

If you do this for a month, you’ll be able to use this new language to speak about your subject.

If you keep on doing this each day for 3 months, your English learning will increase significantly as well as your knowledge of your subject.

Use this simple tip and accelerate your English learning now!

Keeping you posted…

Khalil S. Patwa

English Learning Accelerated


How to ask Intelligent Questions…

QuestionMarksFollowing on from the last exercise

You’ve now got some sentences that express your goals, e.g.

– To have a house in the country.

– To be in the top 5% of my profession.

– To go on holiday every year with my family.

Do you see that each of your goals has questions related to it? Every sentence you make can generate a series of questions.

Who, What, Why, When Where, How.

 You can now start a dialogue about your goals… Using this sentence as an example:

“I want to have a house in the country.”

– What type of house would you like to live in?

– Where do you want to live?

– How big will your house be?

– What style will your house be?

– What materials will it be made of?

– Why do you want to live in the country?

Choose one of your goals and write down 5 questions that you can ask about it. If you would like us to check your questions for correctness, send an email to us now. Next time you’re having a conversation with someone, remember to ask them questions about their goals!

Next lesson will be about using adjectives to give detailed answers to those questions, so you can build the picture of yourself enjoying your goals.

Keeping you posted…

Khalil S. Patwa

English Learning Accelerated


Are your mistakes in English hurting your business?

cropped-ela-logo-v2_250.pngIf you’ve been struggling with your business because your English isn’t good enough, then I’d like to invite you to take advantage of a special “Business English Breakthrough” personal, one-to-one, coaching session, where we’ll work together to…

==> Create a crystal-clear vision for the English you need to get new clients, grow your network, and to reach your business goals.

==> Uncover your biggest mistakes in English that may be hurting your success.

==> Leave this session feeling renewed, confident and inspired to reach your goals with English.

If you’d like to take advantage of this very special, very limited, totally FREE 45 min “Business English Breakthrough” coaching session, send an email to Info@EnglishLearningAccelerated.com, and answer the following questions:

1. How long have you been learning English?

2. When was the last time you used English for your work?

3. Do you enjoy communicating in English?

4. What’s the longest time you’ve had to speak in English only?

5. Would improving your English also improve your business/career propects?

6. On a scale of 1 − 10, how important is it to you to have great English?

7. Full Name.

8. Email Address.

9. Phone #

10. Time Zone.


Since we’re making this offer for the first time right now and we don’t know how intense the response will be, we can’t guarantee a coaching session for everyone. We’ll take as many people as we can and then start a waiting list.

You can expect to be contacted to schedule your session in the next 3 business days. If you don’t hear from us it means we’ve received more requests than we can handle right now, and if something opens up we’ll get back to you at a later time.

Yours Sincerely,

Khalil S. Patwa

P.S. The sooner you send us your answers, the more likely you are to get a session. Click here now.

Accelerating your English Language Journey

How to correct your written English mistakes…

You’ve got a piece of work to do, a report, letter or an essay and it’s got to be correct. There’s something you’re not sure about, and you just want to get some help.

But what can you do when Teacher is not around??

Here’s four easy ways to make sure your writing is correct…

Use a search engine. Enter the sentence that you’re struggling with into a search engine. If you’ve made a simple error, google will normally say, “did you mean…”, and give you a correction.

If that didn’t work, check the first page of results for ideas.

Figure out the simplest way. It can be too easy to overcomplicate things. Especially if you’re trying to translate a sentence directly from one language to another.

What’s the essence of what you want to say? How can you put it in the simplest terms? If you were talking to a child, how would you make your expression understandable to them?

Find a study buddy. It really does help to know there’s someone you can ask when you get stuck. Find someone with similar goals and you can support each other when difficulties arise.

Use Grammarly. Do you use a word processor? You know how it will highlight grammar mistakes in green and spelling mistakes in red… That’s nothing compared with what Grammarly can do for you.

When you enter your text into the Grammarly’s online proofreading engine it checks for over 250 kinds of grammatical errors. That’s 10 times more than your word processor! Not only that, it also intelligently suggests alternative vocabulary, and will check your writing for plagiarism, just in case.

For just a small monthly fee, you’ll always have someone to ask when you need instant results!


You never need to be stuck when writing in English. As always, take a deep breath and trust your brain to deliver the solution!

Khalil S. Patwa

your English Learning Accelerated


Correct all grammar errors with Grammarly!


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5 Steps to Understanding how Language is More than Words

There’s so much involved when learning a language. You’ve got to know your vocabulary, use the right grammar, pronounce the words correctly with the right intonation. To get to an intermediate level takes a lot of effort, but to become an advanced speaker takes a tremendous amount of dedication because of how you must immerse yourself in the culture of that language.

So language learning is a journey that you’ve got to be committed to if you want to reach your goals.

But what about when you need that result now? When you’re in front of another person and you’ve got to get your message across and understand where they’re coming from.

You’ve got to be able to use your current skills to get the job done! You’ve got to get over your mistakes and your desire to be correct. You must be able to get past the words and focus on the communication.

If you’re too busy thinking about how to be correct then your quality of listening will go down and this will affect the motivation of the person you’re talking to. If you’re more interested in demonstrating your language proficiency, then the person you’re talking to will quickly lose interest, (unless the explicit purpose of the conversation is to practice your language together).

The person that you are speaking with will be either waiting to receive critical information from you, or be wanting to transmit critical information to you. If you’re too busy using them as conversation practice, you’re going to miss the opportunity to make that connection.

Here’s 5 steps for how to get over this difficulty and always get the most out of every conversation.

Firstly, know your purpose. What are you in the conversation for and what do you want from the other person? What’s your role? What do you have to offer and what do you want to receive?

Secondly, make a clear distinction between when you’re learning and when you’re are communicating. Don’t turn the other person into a teacher, but do let them help you when you need it.

Third, focus on creating a clear channel for the communication to take place. It’s a real live human being in front of you. Pay attention to the individual who is in front of you. Be present and the language will flow on its own.

Fourth, know that whatever level your language is currently there’s always room for improvement. Even in our native tongues we don’t get everything correct all the time and we use idiosyncrasies which you can only learn from experience which we cannot learn in a classroom setting.

Fifth, allow your communication to flow. Don’t speak language, just express yourself. No one is marking you for correctness except yourself. Giving your expression space and let the person in front of you remember you not for how well you have done your learning, but for your interest in them.

Practice these steps towards ever fruitful conversations.

P.S. Please leave a comment below and let us know your experience of finding your self-expression in another language.

Khalil S. Patwa

your English Learning Accelerated


Accelerating Your Language Journey